“The Kitten and the Fat Mouse” is dedicated to a cat who passed away in 2015. The book is an online serialized book aimed at children in the Bullwinkle and Rocky vein wherein the humor is for adults as well. I mean a Potato cannon and a mouse – how could that NOT be funny.
The kitten and the fat mouse came about after our 23 year old cat, Queen Theodora Maxine Lourdes Sphincter De’Catville passed away. Ted Bird lived a long and remarkable life, adding to our lives in ways that are nearly incomprehensible. For the last year of her life, she spent her days either on the deck in the sun in the summer or in front of the space heater I bought for her. I carried her around wherever she wanted when her arthritis was bad and she spent every night with me.
Ted Bird and I, human and pet had the sort of unspoken communication that we humans have with the companions (not pets, that’s a different thing) that we live with. Ted and I had a Radar Love.
Ted Bird was the best cat ever and one of the oldest in the world when she died. She was a gift and pardon me for saying this – miracles happened at the time of her passing which is in another book I am authoring about grief.
Her little brother, Ambrose Butterbutt, was despondent after the death of the Queen, crying and crying and staring at her grave.
Three weeks later the pain of loss was no better and we decided to get a kitten, the cat you know as Little Bird. The lady that got her for us, Gloria is real and in the book. She looks like the Queen and is now 3 years old. She is an excellent replacement for the Queen and takes her roll as the new Queen seriously. When she was just 6 weeks old, she came to live with us and spent each and every night under the blankets with me, buzzing and buzzing. When she was six months old and for her first Christmas, we got her a pet mouse. Don’t laugh. The mouse is very real, the cat plays with the mouse and the kitten and the fat mouse was born.
I hope you enjoy their adventures together as they learn about life and the world around them. And of course how they keep coming up with ways to get those darned Squirrels. Little Bird, for her part, watches television (honest, she love Dr. Phil, Naked and Afraid and refuses to watch anything with water in it), gets hugs, loves to play peek-a-boo. I’ll add a spoiler for you. Ambrose Butterbutt (aka “Hooba”) died in November of 2018 and was replaced by Hobba2, who looks just like him. He’ll be in the book in later chapters.